

[填空题] 新文学史上抒情小说的代表作家有废名、()、老舍、萧红、孙犁等。

行为主义流派的重要特点有() ["主张研究人的行为","主张内省","主张采用客观的实验方法","强调以人为本"] 一台单相变压器,如果它的变压比为20,当它正常工作时,副边电流为100A,那么它的原边绕组中的电流应为() ["5A","0.2A","50A","2.5A"] Which two statements are true about variable extent size support for large ASM files?() [" The metadata used to track extents in SGA is reduced."," Rebalance operations are completed faster than with a fixed extent size"," An ASM Instance automatically allocates an appropriate extent size."," Resync operations are completed faster when a disk comes online after being taken offline."," Performance improves in a stretch cluster configuration by reading from a local copy of an extent."] You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. You are using Recovery Manager (RMAN) for backup and recovery of your database. You executed the delete command in RMAN to delete a backup of atablespace. Which statement is true in this scenario?() ["A","B","C","D","E"] 轻油稳定是按照()不同来脱除C1~C4的 ["蒸汽压高低","沸点高低","挥发度"] 新文学史上抒情小说的代表作家有废名、()、老舍、萧红、孙犁等。
参考答案: 沈从文



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