

[问答题] 有业主认为,业主对物业服务企业财务有监督的权利,那么业主个人随时都可以检查物业服务企业的账簿,这种想法对吗?

The latest known details of lights are given in(). ["gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports","lists the principal harmonic constants for all those ports where they are known,for use for prediction by the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal Prediction","is a comprehensive guide for the yachtsman","permits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven day"] 下列各项中,属于非条件放射的是() ["一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳","画饼充饥","谈虎色变","跌倒后迅速伸出双手"] 16世纪末至18世纪中期西方思想史上两种主要的认识论是理性主义和() ["后现代主义","唯物主义","逻辑经验主义","经验主义"] 由于液体在单级泵内只有一次增能,所以扬程() ["较低","较高","可以调整","没有变化"] 1977年中国决定废止大学招生的免试推荐制度而改行统一考试制度属于() ["风险型政策","竞争型政策","确定型政策","不确定政策"] 有业主认为,业主对物业服务企业财务有监督的权利,那么业主个人随时都可以检查物业服务企业的账簿,这种想法对吗?



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