

[名词解释] 马嘉里事件

You develop a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that uses basic authentication for client credentials. This service is currently configured to use message security. The service is hosted on a server in workgroup mode.Users report that their passwords are stolen when they use public computers.You need to ensure that messages are secure and users are authenticated.You prevent the service from being called over HTTP through Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration. What should you do next?() [" Use the transport security mode and specify None for transport client credential type."," Use the transportWithMessageCredential security mode and specify Basic for the transport client credential type."," Use the message security mode and specify Basic for the transport client credential type."," Use the transportWithMessageCredential security mode and specify None for the transport client credential type."] 在国际贸易中,常见的计重方法有()。 ["毛重","净重","公量","理论重量和法定重量"] 消毒是指杀灭病原微生物或者有害微生物,将其数量减少到无害化程度的过程。 机油压力过低的原因是()。 ["机油粘度过高","机油泵磨损","发动机转速过高","发动机温度低"] “四端”是孟子的重要思想内容之一,具体来讲为()。 ["是非之心","恻隐之心","羞恶之心","辞让之心"] 马嘉里事件



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