

[问答题] 放能反应与吸能反应有什么区别?哪一种反应能够自发进行?为什么?

Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?() ["Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.","Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times.","Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made.","Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease."] 来访者中心疗法 How does an IPv6 router deal with a packet that is larger than the outgoing interface MTU?() ["It will fragment the packet at Layer 2.","It will fragment the packet at Layer 3.","It will drop the packet and send an ICMPv6 message "packet too big" back to the source.","It will drop the packet."] 铁路按保价运输的行李保价费,按声明价格的()计算。 ["百分之零点五","百分之一","百分之一点五","百分之二"] 定点市场信息每天()前报送,全国农产品批发市场价格指数,当天()发布。 ["A)中午12点,下午2点","B)中午12点,下午3点","C)上午10点,下午2点","D)上午10点,下午3点"] 放能反应与吸能反应有什么区别?哪一种反应能够自发进行?为什么?



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