

[单选] 罗茨流量计的工作原理是当被测介质流经流量计时,在流量计进、出口形成压力差,此压力差推动罗茨转子旋转,当转子、计量室结构尺寸一定时,其排出介质的体积与转子的转速成()。

A . 正比
B . 反比
C . 负比
D . 不相关

If at any time the officer in charge of the navigational watch is to be relieved when a manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is taking place,(). the relief of that officer shall be made prior to such action has been completed。 the relief of that officer shall never be made。 the relief of that officer shall be deferred until such action has been completed。 the relief of that officer shall be made by the captai。 在使用与维护罗茨流量计时,为防止因压力冲击损坏流量计,启动罗茨流量计时必须做到()启动。 无压。 计数器。 有压。 表头。 If the diesel engine fuel injection timing is changed to delay the start of injection until the pistons are at top dead center, the engine will() backfire through the air intakes。 develop less power under load。 have high firing pressures。 lift its cylinder relief valve。 CIM模型中,接地刀(GroundDisconnector)只有一个端点(Terminal)。 锅炉用水对水质要求高,目前都用()交换树脂除去水中钙镁离子,以供使用。 阴离子。 阳离子。 非离子。 两性。 罗茨流量计的工作原理是当被测介质流经流量计时,在流量计进、出口形成压力差,此压力差推动罗茨转子旋转,当转子、计量室结构尺寸一定时,其排出介质的体积与转子的转速成()。



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