

[单选] 现在手机和PC的外部存储单位主要使用级别是()。

A . MB
B . GB
C . TB
D . PB

下列四个计算机存储容量的换算公式中,正确的是() 1KB=1000B。 1MB=1000KB。 1MB=1024KB。 1MB=1024GB。 What is NOT required on an uninspected towing vessel? () Certificate of Documentation。 Certificate of Inspection。 Operators Merchant Marine license。 FCC Station License。 简述九江头槽绦虫病的防治方法。 What is NOT a requirement of the reinspection for a tank barge with a certificate of inspection valid for two years? () The reinspection will be made between the fourteenth and sixteenth months。 The inspector shall examine all accessible parts of the vessels's hull。 The inspector shall examine the vessel's machinery as well as equipment。 The scope of the reinspection shall be the same as for the inspection for certification,but in less detail。 利用企业自留资金渠道筹资,可利用的筹资方式为() A.发行股票。 B.融资租赁。 C.吸收直接投资。 D.商业信用。 现在手机和PC的外部存储单位主要使用级别是()。



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