

[单选] 半轴由于传递的转矩较大,因此它是一种()轴。

A . 空心
B . 半空
C . 实心
D . 双层

列车镜框内容有()。 简明旅客列车时刻表。 旅客须知。 安全宣传。 广告或风景画。 扁平化。 CIPP模式中的()评价,即要()、解释和()课程方案的成绩,并协助决策者决定课程方案是否应该终止、修正或继续。 体育运动作为一种实践活动的文化价值就在于() 他人的价值。 人自身的价值。 社会的价值。 人与社会的价值。 Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?() Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.。 Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times.。 Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made.。 Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease.。 半轴由于传递的转矩较大,因此它是一种()轴。



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