

[单选] 王国维《殷周制度论》载:“盖诸侯之于天子,犹后世诸侯之于盟主,……逮克殷(商)践奄,灭国数十,而新建之国皆其功臣、昆弟、甥舅,……其在丧服,则诸侯为天子斩衰三年,与子为父、臣为君同。”由此可见,西周时期()。

A . 分封的主体是王族和先代贵族
B . 宗法关系是维系皇权的纽带
C . 国家政权逐渐由松散趋向严密
D . 血缘分封是中央集权的基础

冗余设计需考虑哪些问题? 一般可以使用()命令来标识Transact-SQL批处理的结束。 信息未经授权而被改变,即信息在存储或传输过程中可能会被偶然或蓄意删除、修改、伪造、乱序、重放、插入等破坏和丢失。则称信息安全的()基本属性没有得到保证。 完整性。 不可抵赖性。 可用性。 可靠性。 You are one of the network administrators for your company. All network servers run Windows Server 2003. Your company operates a total of four offices. The office where you work has 15 servers. You are responsible for supporting and maintaining all of these servers. You need to design a monitoring plan that will achieve the following goals: Track all performance changes on the servers. Record performance data to anticipate the need for future upgrades. What should you do? () On each server in your office, use Performance Logs and Alers to create a baseline log. Configure the log to collect data every five minutes for one day. Use the same counters for each server to create a log file. Schedule the log to run weekly.。 From a monitoring computer, use Performance Logs and Alerts to create a baseline log for each server in your office. Configure the log to collect data every five minutes for one day. Use the same counters for each server to create a log file. Schedule the log to run weekly.。 On each server in your office, use Performance Logs and Alerts to create threshold-based alerts. Configure the alerts to send a message to your monitoring computer when they are triggered. Set each alert to start a new scan when the alert finishes.。 From a monitoring computer use Performance Logs and Alerts to create a new counter set in System Monitor. Configure the counters to run continuously.。 新“四化”主要是指()。 A.网络化 。 B.智能化 。 C.服务化 。 D.协同化。 王国维《殷周制度论》载:“盖诸侯之于天子,犹后世诸侯之于盟主,……逮克殷(商)践奄,灭国数十,而新建之国皆其功臣、昆弟、甥舅,……其在丧服,则诸侯为天子斩衰三年,与子为父、臣为君同。”由此可见,西周时期()。



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