

[多选] 鳄适应水中生活,但不得潜水病的机制包括:()

A . 心率比在水面生活时慢
B . 皮肤的血流量减少
C . 血中氮增加不多
D . 肌肉是无氧呼吸供应ATP

No person may serve as the person in charge of both the vessel and the facility during oil transfer operations unless(). there is ready access between the two。 the vessel and facility are immediately adjacent。 the person in charge has a rapid means of transportation between the two。 the Captain of the Port authorizes such procedure。 高炉煤气换为焦炉煤气加热时,要求主管压力在2500Pa以上就可以更换。 ()塔板板间不设降液管。 A.浮阀。 B.泡罩。 C.筛板。 D.逆流。 会展场馆的主要服务对象是(),因其是会展场馆经营效益的主要来源。 组展方。 政府。 参展商。 赞助商。 焦炉烘炉过程中遇到升温过快,超过升温计划规定的温度,可立即将温度减下来。 鳄适应水中生活,但不得潜水病的机制包括:()



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