

[填空题] Access中“货币”型数据最长为()个字节,“自动编号”型数据最长为()个字节。

You are the network administrator for your company. All network servers run Windows Server 2003. A server named Server1 hosts applications for network users. Server1 contains a motherboard that can support two CPUs. One CPU is currently installed. Server1 has 512 MB of RAM and a single 36-GB integrated device electronics (IDE) hard disk. It has a 10 Mb Ethernet card connected to a 10/100 Mb switch. After Server1 is in use for five months, network users report unnacceptable response times on their applications. You open System Monitor on Server1 and see the information shown in the following table. You need to improve the performance of Server1. What should you do? () [" Add an additional CPU."," Add an additional 512 MB of RAM."," Replace the existing hard disk with a faster one."," Replace the 10-Mb Ethernet card with a 100-Mb Ethernet card."] 依据《安全生产法》规定,从业人员的工伤保险费由()缴纳。 ["生产经营单位和从业人员共同","生产经营单位","从业人员"] ()是确立旅游服务工作的先决条件。 ["服务人员的心理状态","客人的心理状态","客我交往","心灵交流"] 培养创新能力的意义有()。 ["A.创新可以提高智力资本 ","B.创新能激发人的潜能,培养创造精神,形成创新品质 ","C.创新能激活管理体制,强化竞争意识,增强企业活力 ","D.创新能促进社会发展,提高综合国力,树立强国形象"] 怎样检测抗凝剂? Access中“货币”型数据最长为()个字节,“自动编号”型数据最长为()个字节。



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