

[单选] The principal danger from ice collecting on a vessel is the().

A . decrease in capabilities of radar
B . decrease in displacement
C . adverse effect on trim
D . loss of stability

船舶货舱灭火时需要的总瓶数(以27kg为例)应为0.3×最大舱容容积/0.56×27。 卤化烃灭火系统与CO2灭火系统一样在释放时无须用惰性气体驱动。 现代船舶对蓄电池常采用何种充电方式() 恒流充电。 恒压充电。 快速充电。 浮充电。 Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should (). back your engines。 stop your engines and drift。 answer with one prolonged blast。 sound the danger signal。 出现轻微缩孔时,可在底漆或面漆中加入少量()来解决。 The principal danger from ice collecting on a vessel is the().



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