

[名词解释] 班级授课制

层系组 阐发研究的注意事项 Which two of these are characteristics of the 802.1Q protocol?() [" it is a layer 2 messaging protocol which maintains vlan configurations across network."," it includes an 8-bit field which specifies the priority of a frame."," it is used exclusively for tagging vlan frames and dose not address network reconvergence following switched network topology changes."," it modifies the 802.3 frame header,and thus requires that the FCS be recomputed."," it is a trunking protocol capable of carring untagged frames."] 沉降速度 如果企业缴纳33%的所得税,公积金和公益金各提取10%,在没有纳税调整和弥补亏损的情况下,股东真正可自由支配的部分占利润总额的()。 ["47%","53.6%","50%","以上答案都不对"] 班级授课制
参考答案: 是把一定数量的学生按年龄与知识程度编成固定的班级,根据周课表和作息时间表安排教师有计划地向全班学生上课的一种集体教学形式,它是我国学校教学的基本组织形式。



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