

[单选] Although these people knew that their boss was in a difficult situation, they were still()him.

A . sticking to
B . sticking with
C . sticking on
D . sticking by

民事制裁的情形有()。 停止侵害。 排除妨碍。 消除危险。 返还财产。 赔偿损失。 (),致使电刷与整流器接触不良,造成起动机转动无力。 整流器脏污。 打滑。 电刷磨损严重。 弹簧过软。 黄宏自编自导的电影《25个孩子一个爹》摘得伊朗“奥斯卡”,获得了第17届伊朗国际青少年儿童电影节的什么奖? 对策实施计划需() 圈长批准后实施。 主管批准后实施。 圈员讨论后即可实施。 工作组批准后实施。 A benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and()funds by selling tickets at a full price. furnishes。 raises。 accumulates。 contribute。 Although these people knew that their boss was in a difficult situation, they were still()him.



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