

[单选] 偏瘫早期仰卧位上肢正确体位摆放为()

A . 肩关节内收,肘关节屈曲,腕关节背伸、手指分开
B . 肩关节内收,肘关节屈曲,腕关节掌屈、手指分开
C . 肩关节外展,肘关节伸直,腕关节背伸、手指分开
D . 肩关节外展,肘关节屈曲,腕关节背伸、手指分开
E . 肩关节外展,肘关节伸直,腕关节背伸、手指并拢

Your database supports a DSS workload that involves the execution of complex queries: Currently, the library cache contains the ideal workload for analysis. You want to analyze some of the queries for an application that are cached in the library cache. What must you do to receive recommendations about the efficient use of indexes and materialized views to improve query performance?() Create a SQL Tuning Set (STS) that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Tuning Advisor (STA) on the workload captured in the STS.。 Run the Automatic Workload Repository Monitor (ADDM).。 Create an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) on the workload captured in the STS.。 Create an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Access Advisor on the workload captured in the STS.。 Which three SELECT statements display 2000 in the format "$2,000.00"? () SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$#,###.##') FROM dual;。 SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$0,000.00') FROM dual;。 SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$9,999.00') FROM dual;。 SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$9,999.99') FROM dual;。 SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$2,000.00') FROM dual;。 SELECT TO_CHAR(2000, '$N,NNN.NN') FROM dual。 当塞柄密封圈密封不严时,正确的处理办法是() A、更换塞柄上的密封圈 。 B、焊死塞柄的单向阀 。 C、卡环卡死塞柄 。 D、更换塞柄。 进行电力电容器的极间交流耐压试验时,通常采用补偿的方法,当试验变压器的电压满足要求,而容量不足时,采用()。 串联补偿。 并联补偿。 Which three possible values can be set for the TIME_ZONE session parameter by using the ALTER SESSION command? ()  os。  local。  -8:00。  dbtimezone Li。  Australia。 偏瘫早期仰卧位上肢正确体位摆放为()
参考答案: C



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