

[单选] Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE regarding lashing requirements to secure vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels? ()

A . It is imperative that the securing of cargo on flats and trailers and in containers be adequate for both road and sea motions
B . The movements experienced by road borne cargo differ significantly from the roll and sway movements of a ship at sea
C . It is necessary for adequate number and strength of securing points on the vehicles themselves in order that lashings may be properly and safely utilized.
D . All the above

凡客户凭招商银行个人户口号办理转账/汇款业务,必须做好风险防范工作,下列哪些说法是错误的()。 询问汇款的正当理由,若有疑问,应请网点业务主管审议。 对有证据认定或汇款人投诉,属非法传销、招工、博彩、募捐、集资等经营性质或诈骗性质的汇款,经办员应拒绝办理。 请客户背书理由后即可办理。 对发现有以上活动迹象的账户,经办员要立即向业务主管报告,确认属于违法、违规行为的异常账户后,及时上报监保部门。 根据信息安全的定义,以下描述中()属于“信息是安全的”。 硬件遭到恶意破坏。 网络因硬件故障临时中断。 软件遭到恶意攻击。 数据遭到恶意泄露。 能使投资方案的净现值等于零的贴现率称为() 获利指数。 平均会计收益率。 内含报酬率。 资金成本率。 Which of the following will be desirable properties of refrigerant?() (1) non-explosive (2) non-corrosive (3) that it doesn’t react with lubricants (1), (2) and (3)。 (1) and (2)。 (1) and (3)。 (2) and (3)。 试述原料水分过大的影响。 Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE regarding lashing requirements to secure vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels? ()



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